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A affiliate, also known as an publisher or reseller, is an independent party that promotes products and services of an advertiser in exchange for a commission on leads or sales. A publisher displays an advertiser's banner ads, text links, or product links on their Web site, in e-mail campaigns, or in search listings. The publisher is paid a commission by the respective advertiser when a visitor takes a specific action such as filling out a form, subscribing to a service (both lead examples) or making a purchase (a sale). Once you sign up as an affiliate, your internet marketing skills can lead to additional income. MoneyCosmos provides affiliates with opportunities to partner with advertisers while having access to hundreds of links and offers. MoneyCosmos provides transparency by publishing the performance metrics of all advertisers. Additionally, strategic advice and featured monthly advertiser offers are available to MoneyCosmos affiliates. Top-performing publishers who qualify have a distinct advantage in meeting their objectives and getting maximum return for their efforts. MoneyCosmos is committed to maintaining a high quality pay-for-performance environment. Publishers earn the right to work in the MoneyCosmos by following the Publisher Code of Conduct
Here are just a few of the features and benefits over 100,000 affiliates just can't stop talking about:
Simple, fast, and free account setup.
Wide variety of products to promote.
High-converting products drive high ROI on your marketing programs. Click Here
Reliable and accurate tracking gives you credit for your successful marketing strategies.
We manage the publisher relationships, so you always get paid what you are owed.
Since our first day of business in September 2006, we've never missed a payment. MoneyCosmos makes it easy to become a successful affiliate. Opening an account and gaining access to our marketplace will provide opportunities you can't afford to miss.
Here are just a few of the features and benefits over 100,000 affiliates just can't stop talking about:
Simple, fast, and free account setup.
Wide variety of products to promote.
High-converting products drive high ROI on your marketing programs. Click Here
Reliable and accurate tracking gives you credit for your successful marketing strategies.
We manage the publisher relationships, so you always get paid what you are owed.
Since our first day of business in September 2006, we've never missed a payment. MoneyCosmos makes it easy to become a successful affiliate. Opening an account and gaining access to our marketplace will provide opportunities you can't afford to miss.