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1) How to take a paid online survey?
Paid online surveys can be exciting and fun! Ciao Surveys is the premiere online market research community offering members the opportunity to participate in paid online surveys. To begin taking paid online surveys you only need to follow a few easy steps. First, you need to sign-up to become a member of the Ciao Surveys community. Second, you will complete your Personal Profile found in the Member’s Area of the community website. The Personal Profile will ask you to enter some basic demographic and behavioral information so that we can better target paid surveys for you. When a survey is available for someone who fits your profile we will send you an invitation to participate. The invitation will be sent to you via email, or you can find the survey listed in your personal SurveyCenter, also found in the Member’s Area. All survey opportunities presented to you will contain a link to the survey, the incentive awarded for completing the survey, and a general description of what the survey is about. Just click on the link and complete the survey to qualify for your reward and start getting paid!
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2) Do free paid surveys exist?

Free paid surveys do exist! Ciao Surveys has always been a free paid survey community. We at Ciao Surveys will never ask you for money or try to sell you anything, as we are only interested in your opinions and thoughts. There are several reasons why you should never pay to take part in paid online surveys. Market research companies as a whole are prohibited from charging people to participate in surveys. Any research company or organization that requires payment from you to participate in a survey should be avoided. Sites similar to Ciao Surveys often charge a membership fee that will gain you access to their database of paid surveys. Ciao Surveys has made that process seamless for our member’s with their own personal SurveyCenter. In the SurveyCenter you will be presented all survey opportunities that match your profile information and the reward associated for completing that survey. There should NEVER be a reason to pay for a list of surveys when Ciao Surveys provides access to a personal list of paid surveys for you at any time!
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3) How do I stay safe taking paid surveys?
Taking paid surveys while staying safe is a high priority for Ciao Surveys members. We at Ciao Surveys have always made member safety a #1 priority. Rest-assured the information you provide is always kept strictly confidential. Greenfield Online takes strict measures to ensure every aspect of your information is kept secure. During the registration process you will be asked to create a unique password. This password is always required in order to access personal information. Access to all personal information is restricted and limited to a few key personnel. Our website security is reviewed on a monthly basis and can only be accessed via a strict password policy. Ciao Surveys will never ask you for private information such as your credit card or social security numbers as a part of our surveys. We do not sell or transfer your personally identifiable information at any time. Information which is personally identifiable will only be transferred with your prior permission on a case by case basis. Your profile information is highly confidential and will be used only by Ciao Surveys to email you concerning our studies, newsletters, winner notifications, and incentive redemptions. At all times Ciao Surveys members maintain total access to all their personal information.
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4) How do I get paid for taking a survey?
Get paid for taking a survey with Ciao Surveys – it is easy! You’ll receive gift vouchers,INR, and other rewards for the paid surveys you complete. To view the rewards associated with your survey participation you will need to access the Rewards Center page. After logging into the website, just click on the Rewards Center tab on the top of the page. Please note that there is normally a delay after taking a survey before the reward appears in your account. That is because some types of rewards can only be credited once the entire study has closed and no new participants are entering, which sometimes takes several weeks. Once you have reached a minimum account balance of 100 Rupees gift voucher, you can request the earnings in your member account by going to Rewards Center and clicking on the "Request a payment" link. After you request a payment, the amount requested will be sent to the payment details you have provided. We suggest that you double-check these details before making the payment request. The entire payment processing cycle normally takes 6-8 weeks from the time that the request is made. You can check the status of your payment request on your Rewards Center page. Ciao Surveys makes it a priority for all members to get paid their rewards for taking online surveys.
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5) What is a marketing research survey?
A marketing research survey is the tool in which companies are able to gather, analyze, and report information that may be used to solve or provide knowledge on a specific marketing problem, service, or product. In general, there are three primary ways of obtaining data when conducting marketing research – survey, observation, and experiment. Marketing Research surveys are acknowledged as the most widely used method of collecting data within the market research field. Ciao Surveys generally uses self-administered marketing research surveys with our panel of community members. One important component of self-administered marketing research surveys is respondent control. Because Ciao Surveys always places the highest value on our community members it is important to us to allow respondents to control the pace at which they respond to surveys, so that they do not feel rushed. It is our mission to make our members feel relaxed, at ease, and comfortable while responding to marketing research surveys.